Joj, vsakič ko sem šla v Pariz, sem se imela lepo, zato sem že pred časom nabavila šablono Eifflovega stolpa. Nisem je velikokrat uporabila, ko pa je navdih ta pravi ... Najprej sem odtisnila pisavo na ozadje, ki sem ga nato še namočila v razredčen črn Distress Ink. Medtem ko se je podlaga sušila, sem izrezala tri stolpe in rože, ki sem jih pobarvala z rdečim Izink tušem. Besedo "hvala" sem vzela iz škatle z izrezki.
Sentiment: Thanks |
Voščilnico prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
- Cardz 4 Galz: Black & Bling (TOP 3)
- CAS Watercolour: Red & Black
- CAS(e) this Sketch: Sketch
- Global Design Project (4): CASE the designer

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Hero Art (La lettre)
Anita's Cards and envelopes (A6 white); risalni list; akvarelni papir; domača zaloga papirja
StazOn (Jet black); Distress Ink (Black Soot); Izink (Geranium; Tomato); Enamel Dots (White)
My Favorite Things (Eiffel Tower); Najlepši par (Pravokotniki s šivi; Okrasimo s cvetjem; Vesela pošta)
Papermania heat tool; Big Shot
7 komentarjev:
So pretty Ma-Mi! Love how you concentrated the bulk of your design down in the corner, and the scene you created with the red, black, & gray is AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing this beauty with us at CAS Watercolour!! :0)
Beautiful design using the challenge colours Ma-Mi! I have an Eiffel tower die that I have never used ... shamee on me! :) This is perfect with the script background. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!
What a fun design, Ma-Mi! Love that Eiffel Tower with the scripty background and cheerful red flowers! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at CAS Watercolour!
This is SO lovely! The red flowers scattered along the edge of the Eiffel tower really stand out against the black - beautiful watery background created too! thanks for joining us at CAS Watercolor Ma-Mi!
Beautiful CAS design and very classy! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!!
Congratulations on being one of my top 3 picks for our Cardz 4 Galz 'Black and Bling' Challenge. Feel free to pop over for the badge. xx Lynda DT
That's a lovely card. Thanks for joining us at Cardz4galz. Love Dawn x
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