Najprej sem s svinčnikom skicirala obris kita, nato sem na moosgumi izrezala voščilo, ga pritrdila na akrilni blok ter dodobra namakala po blazinici za reliefiranje. Nazadnje sem odtis posula s prozornim reliefnim prahom in ga toplotno obdelala.
Sledilo je barvanje. Najprej sem pobarvala kita - z marnj razredčenimi odtenki modre barve; nato sem se lotila ozadja ... morja in jutranjega neba. Nazadnje sem še izrezala pet pravokotnikov, ki sem jih ponovno pritrdila na voščilnico z enako velikimi koščki moosgumija. Sproti sem še sliko obrezala na manjši kartonček in ko je bila že pritrjen na svoje mesto, sem se spomnila, da moram natisniti še besedico "VSE", kar sem takoj naredila.
Voščilnico prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
- CAS(E) This Sketch: Sketch
- Curtain Call (6): Sail on
- Allsorts: The Great Outdoors
- Aud Sentiments: Under the Sea + Sentiment (TOP 3)
- CASology: Sunshine
- 4 Crafty Chicks: Vacation
- The Crafter's Cafe: Vacation
- Crafty Friends: Inspired by a book (Melville: Moby-Dick)
- The Sisterhood of Crafters: Summertime Fun
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Mavelu (Čudovito praznovanje)
Anita's Cards and envelopes (A6 white); risalni list; moosgumi
VersaFine (Onyx Black); Distress Ink (Mustard Seed; Spiced Marmalade; Faded Jeans; Weathered Wood; Chipped Saphire); VersaMark; Whispers embossing powder (Clear); Sakura Micron (0,5 mm)
Najlepši par (Pravokotniki s šivi; Vse najboljše velika šablona); Nellie Snellen (Photo frames)
Papermania heat tool; Big Shot
14 komentarjev:
Lepo si narsiala in nato poudarila še z vzdignjenim napisom.
Čudovite barve. Prelepa poletna voščilnica.
Oh, this is so fun! I love your fabulous take on the sketch!
Zelo zanimiva voščilnica, lepo si narisala kita.
A lovely colorful and bold take on the sketch!
Thanks for playing along with us at CASe this sketch!
So cheery and bright!
Love the bright colours! Thanks for joining us at The Curtain Call.
Love the rich colours and the warmth of your sun! So glad you joined us at CASology this week!
Fantastic card. Love the rich colors and that whale. The cut and popped up panels look awesome. What a great take on both challenges. Thank you for playing along with us at the Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge.
Spectacular creation! I love how you created this scene and the colors are simply awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your inspiration with us at 4 Crafty Chicks Vacation Challenge.
Tamie DT
What a lovely card!
Thank you for joining Crafty friends!
DT laura
Fab card, thanks for joining us at Crafty Friends this time, xxxx
Thanks for joining our challenge with your lovely card. Good luck and hope you can join us again.
Diane Louise (Team Leader at Crafty Friends Challenge Blog) xx
Beautifully created!! Thank you for joining our challenge at The Sisterhood!
Diane TSH DT
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