Zelo mi je pomagal pri izdelavi. Vse sestavine za torto je stehtal, stresel v mešalnik in presejal moko (z eno roko je sejal moko, z drugo dodajal sladkor v mešalnik). Fant obvlada. Ko je bil čas za posteljo, sem mu morala obljubiti, da ne bom nadaljevala brez njega in naj ga zjutraj zbudim, da bo pomagal naprej. Take ponudbe nisem mogla zavrniti. Za ostalo fotografije povedo več od besed.
Fotografij ni veliko, saj torte in lubenice nisem uspela fotografirati pred pričetkom zabave. S fotografijami nisem najbolj zadovoljna, nekajkrat sem morala brisati ljudi, registske tablice in cele avtomobile.
Preden zaključim vas kot članica ustvarjalnega tima Artistic Inspirations vabim, da se udeležite žreba za nagrado ob stotem izzivu. Dovolj je, da na svojem blogu objavite spodnji napis s povezavo na blog Artistic Inspirations.

Svoje pekarske in rezbarske spretnosti prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
- Darring Cardmakers: Summer Holiday
- Eureka: Vacation
- Incy Wincy: Summertime Activities (TOP 5)
- Stamps & Fun = Creativity: Summer
- C.R.A.F.T.: Inspired by a book (My son's book about Nemo)
- Just Inspirational: Anything but a card
- Anything but a Card: AG
- All crafts: AG
- Pink Elephant: Inspiration photo (WINNER)
15 komentarjev:
Joj, kako ČUDOVITO! Sem popolnoma navdušena nad vajinimi spretnostmi! To pa je bila zabava in pol! :)
Pozdravček, B.
Super ekipa sta ! :-)
Your wonderful cake looks much too good to eat! What a creative and colourful party it must have been. Thank you for sharing your delicious creation with us at Anything But A Card this challenge.
Adorable party decorations! I'm coming to join you on that island! Thanks for joining our Vacation Challenge this week at Eureka Stamps. Julie O, DT member
I am sure someone was thrilled with that cake, great job. Thanks for joining us this week for our vacation challenge.
Karal DT for EurekaStamps
Hudo - pridna sta bila :). Vsaka ti čast, da si vse prilagodila tematiki!
Cudovitega pomocnika si imela in tole krasno zgleda.
This may not be a card, but what a fab, fun and Summery "project" it is - thank you for showing us
The Daring Cardmakers theme this week is "We're all going on a Summer Holiday"
Uauuu bravoooo in vse lepo, krasno praznovanje!
how super-cute and lovely!
thanks so much for playing along with us at CRAFT-Challenge!
What a great cake and love the melon to :) Thanks so much for joining us over at JIC this week, I hope you can join us next week and/or for the monthly challenge. Sian (DT Co-Owner)
Wow! Very creative party ideas, that cake looks delicious! Thanks for joining us at Just Inspirational this week.
Wow, I'd love to be invited to a party in this style. The cake is amazing and the watermelon ship is definitely worth stealing. A very unusual take on the travel theme! Thanks for playing along with the Daring Cardmakers this week!
ohhhhhh kako je pa tole lepo! kako krasne strani albuma si naredila, res enkratno!
Your cake is absolutely stunning. I bet the party was great fun too. I wonder what next yr will be! Thsnkyou for sharing Utah us at Craft My Life . Hugs Mrs A. (D.T. )
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