Navdihnila pa me je spodnja skica. Uporabljeno štampiljko imam več kot dve leti.
Najprej sem odtisnila sladoled ter odtis embosirala z belim reliefnim prahom, nato sem dodala voščilo in v tretje še vse skupaj poškropila z vodo ter posula z belim reliefnim prahom. Podlago sem premazala z vodo ter na mizo razmazala rdeč Distress Ink, poškropila z vodo ter list namočila v to zmes. Ko se je rdeča posušila, sem postopek ponovila z modro (osrednji del sem malo zaščitila z masko, da je ostal rdeč. Postopek z modro sem morala včekrat ponoviti, saj je bila barva preveč svetla. Barvo sladoleda sem še utrdila z manj razredčeno rdečo barvo, ki sem jo nanesla s čopičem. Glede na to, kako nekontrolirano sem nanašala barvo, moram priznati, da je izpadlo zelo dobro.
Voščilnico prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
- A Gem of a Challenge: red - white - blue
- CAS on Friday: Splash watercolor
- CAS Watercolour: Splash watercolor
- CAS(e) this Sketch: Sketch
- CRAFT-alnica: Veliko modre
- If you give a crafter a cookie: Inspiration picture
- Make My Monday: Ice cream
- Simon - Monday: Red - White - Blue
- Stamp - Ink - Paper: Card maker's choice
- The Crafter's Cafe: Keep it simple (TOP 3)

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Aladine (Cooking); Mavelu (Čudovito praznovanje)
Anita's Cards and envelopes (A6 white); akvarelni papir
VersaMark; Distress Ink (Barn Door; Fired Brick; Chipped Saphire; Faded Jeans); Ranger embossing powder (Extra fine white)
Papermania heat tool; Big Shot; Najlepši par (Pravokotniki s šivi)
26 komentarjev:
This is so cool and fun! Wonderful take on the sketch!
Explozija barve in sladoleda. Fajn, všeč mi je.
Hvala,da si se nam pridružila v Craft-alnici. Lp Lili
Love this red, white and blue background, Ma-Mi, and the ice cream looks chilly and delicious! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!
Beautiful background for your delicious looking frozen treat! Love the mix of colours. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!
Love the background ... thanks for playing along with us at 'If you Give a Crafter a Cookie" I wish you luck !
Happy Crafting
Love your icy cold ice cream bar and fun Splash background, MA-MI. Your were so creative using both the challenges. TFS and joining us at CAS Watercolour. Hugs..
Very unique card. Thanks for playing along in our Red, White and Blue challenge. Lisa DT AGOAC
I love those gorgeous soft explosions of colour! What a great way to use the inspiration graphic. The stitched detail steps up the whole design. Thank you for guest designing with us at Retro Rubber for this challenge. It's always a pleasure to see what you do when you play with us.
Oh, what a wonderful example of using our inspiration photo! I really love it!! Thank you so much for being our Guest Designer and hope you will join us again very soon.
Zelo dobro si izkoristila fotografijo, ki ti je bila navdih,! Tako se verjetno počutijo vsi sladojedi, ko jih v poletni vročini naložimo v lončke, kornete..... Hvala, ker sodeluješ v CRAFT-alnici.
This is fabulous! I adore the way you used watercolor to mimic the sketch! Wonderful creation! Sending HUGS! :) Mynn xx
I love your gorgeous watercolor background, it's amazing how you combined the red and blue without turning it into purple, just beautiful.
Thank you for being our Guest Designer at RETRO RUBBER, hope you play along with us next time.
Delicious design. Thank you for joining us at Make My Monday. Emma
A wonderful design. Soft. Summery. Even a bit patriotic.
What a delicious treat you've created here! Your watercolored background is amazing! So happy to have you as a guest at Retro Rubber!
Wonderful card, I love the heat embossing resist, it works so well here. I like how you have managed to bleed the blue and red and not get mud!! Great to have you with us as our guest designer. Claire DT
Cool card!!!!! Thanks so much for participating in our IF YOU GIVE A CRAFTER A COOKIE... challenge. Hope you participate in our next challenge!! Have a happy crafty day!!!
Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
I love your fun summery card...I think I need a popsicle by the pool now!
Love your card! Thanks for joining us at Make My Monday.
Great card. Thanks for joining us at TTCRD this week.
beautiful card and great take on the challenge, thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge, hugs kath xxx
Really cool card! I love your colors and the emboss resist! Thanks for joining us at Stamp, Ink, Paper!
What a beautiful project! I love it! Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to seeing you again next challenge.
Don't Mess With Me, I'm Scrappy {My Blog}
Through The Craft Room Door
Izjemno lepo ozadje...cela je izjemno lepa...
Zelo je lepa in čudovitih barv :-))
Vesela sem, ker ustvarjaš z nami v izzivu CRAFT-alnice … Srečno!
very fun, summertime card.
Thanks so much for joining us at the CAS Watercolour Challenge!
:) Karen
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