Strah je sredi VOTEL, okrog kraja ga pa NIČ ni. |
Stran z nočno podobo gozda ima po dolžini pregib, ko tako prepognemo stran, dobimo njeno nasprotje: sončen svetel gozd s prijaznimi živalmi ter prijetnimi drevesi. Medtem ko sem nočno pokrajino večinoma pobarvala z akrilnimi barvami: črno, modro in belo - sem za dnevno pokrajino uporabila Izink barve. Za nekaj detajlov sem uporabila tudi Copic markerje (veverica, lisica) in Distress Inke (lisica in jelen).
In nazadnje še obe strani ena ob drugi (čeprav v resnici ena izključuje drugo, saj če v knjigi hočemo videti nočno pokrajino, je dnevna pokrajina zakrita in obratno).
Vse objave knjige za sina najdete TUKAJ.
Stran iz knjige prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
- Brown Sugar: Use Die Cut
- Cardz 4 Guys: The great outdoors
- Challenge up your life (6): Forest
- Crafty Sentiments: AG
- Glitter'N'Sparkle: AG
- Inspiration Destination: AG
- Love To Create: AG
- Morgan's Artworld: AG 8
- Moving Along with Times: Birds and feathers
- QKR Stampede: AG + Feathered friends
- Scrap Dreams - Inspiration: Materiale da buttare via (la luna l'ho ritagliata da una rivista che ho buttato via, e gli alberi nella parte notturna sono soprattutto ritagli e avanzi da scrap precedenti, inoltre ho usato avanzi di cartoncino bianco per ritagliare la maggior parte degli elementi di entrambe le pagine – mi sono sbarazzata di un bel po’ di materiale ;-)
- Simon - Wednesday: AG
- Simply Papercrafts: AG
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stara knjiga; domača zaloga papirja
akrilne barve; Izink (Topaz; Bamboo; Mimosa; Ambre; Jasmine); Copic markerji; Sharpie (White); Sakura Gelly Roll (White)
Papermania heat tool; Big Shot; Cottage Cutz (Resting fox); Marianne Design (Tree); Memory Box (Arboscello tree); My Favorite Things (Sunny skies); Nellie Snellen (Deer); Taylored Expressions (Birch Tree); tiskalnik Epson L800
11 komentarjev:
I love this card - a really great design, thank you for playing along with us at MAWTT this time hugs Judith x
lovely card. Thank you for sharing with us at QKR Stampede.
So very cool! So glad you linked up with us at QKR Stampede!
Marji dt
So delightfully unique, Ma-Mi ! It's terrific to see you playing along in our "Anything Goes or Feathered Friends" challenge at QKR Stampede. Hope to see you again and I'm wishing you good luck in the draw.
NanaConnie DT
Grazie per aver partecipato alla sfida di Scrap Dreams...
Grazie per aver partecipato alla sfida di Scrap Dreams!
Beautiful! I love the owl in the tree. Thanks for sharing at Cardz 4 Guyz
Love the way this project turned out! The contrast and juxtaposition of the dark and light is so awesome!
Thank you for joining us at Crafty Sentiments Designs for our Anything Goes challenge.
Great art work, beautiful! Thank you for joining us at Crafty Sentiments and good luck!
Hugs, Wendy / GDT
Wow, this is an absolutely stunning piece of art!!! I love the design and the contrast. Wished I would be able to read the sentiment ;o) Thank you so much for joining our "Forest" challenge at CUYL. Have a great day and happy crafting,
Maike :o)
Fabulous and wonderful card thank you for joining us over on
Inspiration Destination
Dianne xx
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