petek, 23. december 2016

Adventni koledar 2016: dan 22

Kartonček sem izdelala že včeraj, vendar sem ga založila ... na koncu mi je sine pomagal pri iskanju. Bil je tam, kjer sem najmanj 3-krat prej že pogledala. Sem ga na hitro skrila, da ga Kljunček ne bi videl, nato sem šla k odbojki. Ko sem se vrnila, se nisem spomnila več, kam sem ga dala. Dokončala sem škatlico in šla spat.

Odtisnila sem tri drevesca. Najprej  sem sredinskega posula z zlatim reliefnim prahom, nato sem ga maskirala in odtisnila še ostali dve drevesci. Podobno sem naredila tudi škatlico: najprej sem odtisnila zlato teksturo, nato sem z močno razredčenimi Distress inki prebarvala celoto. Uporabila sem modro in vijolično ter pustila, da sta se mešali med sabo. Nekatere dele sem poudarila z manj razredčeno barvo.

Vse objave na to temo najdete tukaj.

Kartonček s škatlico prijavljam na naslednje izzive:

Hero Arts (Lattice background); My Minds Eye (12 days of Christmas)
domača zaloga papirja
VersaFine (Majestic Blue; Imperial Purple); Distress Ink (Chipped Saphire; Dusty Concord); VersaMark; Ranger embossing powder (Gold)
Najlepši par (Tag z dodatki); Nellie Snellen (Gift box jewelry)
Papermania heat tool; Big Shot; tiskalnik Epson L800; pisava Elegant Typewriter

6 komentarjev:

Sue VanDeVusse pravi ...

Beautiful use of the colors from our challenge! I love the tag with the 3 trees and that box is fabulous! Thanks for playing with us at JUGS!


Such a pretty tag and box. I love the gold embossed Christmas tree stamp and distressing ink colours you used. This is just perfect for our 'Christmas Tree’ challenge this week. Thank you for sharing and joining in with the fun at Sweet Stampin’ this week and good luck. Hugs Janine xx

Wendy Nicola Jackson pravi ...

Ooh that's lovely! The gold accents are delish!! Elegant and fabulous. Thanks so much for joining in the fun with the Sweet Stampin' 'Oh Christmas Tree' challenge. We're so glad you did! Hugs & Merry Christmas, Wends xoxo Sweet Stampin' DT

Paula Dobson pravi ...

What a gorgeous little gift set. I adore the colours and water colour look to your sweet box. Thanks for playing at Global Design Project with us and Merry Christmas!

Alpna pravi ...

What a pretty tag and box. I love the gold embossed Christmas tree stamp and distressing ink colors. Thanks for joining us at Through the Craft Room Door.
Alpna-DT Member

Jess pravi ...

Stunning! These colours are so gorgeous together and I love the simplicity of the trees. Thanks so much for joining in with the Global Design Project challenge!

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